Brigetta @BrigettaMarmalade 5 months ago Awe! Oh my goodness Miss Goldie! She sounds pretty sweet! 😍 welcome to the adventure little miss!
We are heading mostly one direction. Working our way down the South American continent. We don't go backwards. But last Friday something very special caused us to turn the van around. Maybe it was in the mysterious Incan fire water drink we consumed.
Lately we've hit our stride, whizzing around having full belly adventures, beautiful landscapes, and relaxing camping spots with friends we've met along the way circling around each other for random encounters. Makes it really feel like a community on the road, there's other people as crazy as you with the same passions as you just a few mountain passes away.
We had no expectations of Ecuador, and have really enjoyed our time here, and going forward it will always hold a special place in our hearts, as a spot our adventure changed, the day we broke our van rules. Like this donkey named Margarita broke the rules at our Quito airbnb by begging for breakfast from INSIDE the house.
We watched the most beautiful peach sunset just outside Cotopaxi National Park, the highest active volcano on earth. It was the first time we'd turned on our heat the entire trip, but being at 13,000 feet will do that. We relished being under the warm weight of our duvet again.
Our next spontaneous stop was another high elevation place, a crater called Quilotoa with turquoise green waters. A spot we almost skipped but at the last minute decided to go. After all there's no back tracking so this was our one chance.
We were short of breath and windchilled just walking around this tiny village at the edge of a crater when a little white dog followed us around amusing us with her antics. We tried to lose her as we ducked in a restaurant for sunset snacks. She was determined and followed us back to our van - ever the curious pup with golden eyes, we nicknamed her Goldie.
Now we have a very strict 'no dogs in the van but Gus' rule. This is to protect him from fleas or anything else a dog could bring into our home on the road. But those little eyes, I couldn't resist, so she just came up on the carpet for a minute - it doesn't really count does it? Gus is noting the rule break in my file.
That night, Gordon looked out the window of our van and saw Goldie sleeping outside on the gravel by us all alone. We decided since it would get below freezing we'd put out a blanket for her to cuddle up on and at least break the windchill.
At 1am Gordon woke me up by getting out of bed whispering that he just couldn't leave her out there freezing and shaking, so he put her on the drivers side floor blocking her off from the rest of our van. When I got up she was sleeping like a princess all curled up without a peep all night from her. It felt like Christmas morning checking on our little visitor.
Then it came time to drive off, and we had to distract her with food as she didn't want to leave our van as we tried driving away. Gus had to avert his eyes.
We drove and drove. Gordon was just plain down for a few days from having to leave her behind. (yes, he's the softy in this relationship) We went to Banos Ecuador and then had an adventure in the Amazon. Did you know you can drive to the Amazon in 3 hours? We had to just because we could.
You know where this is gonna lead...
We couldn't get her out of our minds. We've met many dogs along the way in our 11 month journey but none quite like Goldie touching our hearts.
So Gordon and I had a big long talk about if we had room in our van, lives, and hearts for another dog. We are 2/3 of the way done with our trip, and have had our hearts broken 1000's of times with all the street dogs here. Is there more to life than just shopping for milk? Seriously, this is half of the milk aisle!
We decided we'd go back. We'd go back and see if we could find her again. Let's just see what fate has to say about it. We probably wouldn't find her anyway. And if nothing else Gordon could get that alpaca sweater he saw.
The decision to drive back and just see felt right. It was action for the helplessness we'd been feeling. We both buzzed with some excitement but nerves too about what the heck we were thinking. Our 3 hour drive back to the high altitude again had our heads spinning, and as I was driving closer to the town we last saw her, I saw a little white tail outside some trash and rocks with other dogs about 3kms outside of town. Could that possibly be Goldie?
I instantly pulled the van over, not even really looking for her yet, I wasn't too hopeful it was her. As we pulled the white van over she ran up before we even stopped. Opening the door, she hopped right up squealing with delight. Gordon was petting her and tears were forming in my eyes and throat as I said 'is it really her?' It was, we confirmed with the familiar cow pattern on her stomach.
She remembered us, just as we had remembered her! And man did it look like she had a rough week. She was even skinnier than we had left her, blood on her, dirt and frantic to see us.
We took her back to the van and she ate and drank like she had never seen food in her life. We gave her her first bath, and then she stole Gus's bed.
We all had a good night's sleep.
The next day she rode in our arms on the passenger seat and conked out most of the ride. So relaxed, not a worry for her. We have a road warrior for sure. It turns out if you buy an alpaca sweater you get a free street dog - act now!
We got her to a vet, on some worming and flea meds and her weight came to 7 kgs. The vet said she was underweight, but 'super bien' otherwise. The vet suggested she was probably 7 months old or so.
A few days later we went to another vet and got her microchipped and fully vaccinated, and she now has a collar on her neck for the first time in her life.
And toys! It sure was fun to take her to a pet store and get her some goodies, and Gus too of course.
The funny thing is we've had her 5 days now, and she's coming into her puppy personality. We didn’t realize we got a terrier but that’s coming out! I guess when you have to spend all your time looking for food, water, where to sleep, and watching out for other mean dogs you don't get to play much. And now that Goldie is safe, no shoe of ours is! In between naps of course.
She's a smart little thing, and while I'm sure there might be a few challenges having a second dog, the best things in life can be challenging, and she chose us.
And now, we're really really back to our strict strict no OTHER dogs in the van rule.
Welcome Goldie, we'll always go back for you.