Gordon 9 months ago

This is about frogs

We've seen a lot of animals in Costa Rica, more than any other country. I'm amazed at how different it really is... I mean Central American countries aren't that big, so they should be similar right? That's what I thought, but it doesn't seem to be the case. Sloths, monkeys, basilisks, stick bugs, leaf bus, gold bugs, toucans, quetzals, countless other types of birds - they're all here and we've seen a lot of them.

But frogs... I have a special place in my heart for frogs. And they're everywhere here. Maybe it's remembering pictures of my brother holding a frog in the back yard of my aunts house in Germany, or maybe it's that they're the canaries in the coal mines of our environment, or maybe it's because they're just cute and have attitude. But it's most likely just that I'm weird and think they're sweet, considering some of them can kill you or at least make you sick.

(Poison) Frog Hollows

Super pretty means super poisonous. These frogs are small and display their paralyzing nature through coloration. I was surprised to see so many more Green and Black ones than others.

Lucas - the first poison frog we saw and the harbinger of Costa Rica Frogdom.  

Allouete - Megan spotted this tiny, and I mean TINY, one in Rio Celeste in northern Costa Rica. I almost stepped on her. She's a Blue-Jeans poison dart frog. Very pragmatic.

Bruce - this little guy was brave, coming out in daylight and watching us intently.

Silvana - what's not to like about beach frogs? This girl liked to chill at the beach in Puerto Viejo.

Swanson - he visits me in our outdoor bathroom from time to time. Judging me as all frogs do, but also giving important life-coaching advice.

Penelope - a resident of the Toad Kingdom (see below), she is an ambassador bridging misunderstandings between frog species, bringing order to all. 

Toad Kingdom

Toads are frogs, but all frogs are not toads. And apparently all toads have glands near their eyes that secrete toxins. No wonder they are always grumpy. And they really do sound like Bud-wei-ser at night.

Cicero - Are you looking at me? Are you? Hmmmmfff.

Peter - he puffs up to show his grumpiness. And there a lot of that.

Elwood - toads have drier skin than frogs and are warty. Elwood has especially "nice" warts, making him a playboy in the toad kingdom.

Civil - it's been fun walking around in the pitch black looking for frogs and toads and then turning the flashlight around to be scared by one just sitting there watching you with disdain.

Mortimer "Mort" McMorterson - don't know why he likes the grass, but he does.

I don't know this toads name. I just call him "Killer" because he attack-hopped at both me and Megan in the same night. Very protective. Probably has something to prove.

Swanee - the friendliest toad. She was born a pacifist. Unlike the rest of her species, she actually knows how to smile.

The Brits - I just call them that. Don't mess with the Brits.

More to come!

Tadpoles galore. Cant wait to see if they develop during our stay here.

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