Gordon 1 year ago

Second day of Spanish class - 100% Proficient!

It’s true! I’m 100% proficient in English. This being my second day learning Spanish, I’m only about 99.2% away from being proficient in that language though. Fooled you!

We were given a test our first day, which consisted of verb conjugation. Something most native speakers probably wouldn’t have gotten high marks in. Regardless, Megan is excelling in intermediate classes while I’m in remedial class with an Austrian lady who has a similar lack of proficiency. Both knowing German has also been helpful in interpreting our instructors lessons since this is an immersive school where almost all instruction is given in Spanish. There are so many similarities between English, Spanish, and German that it’s fun to make the connections.

All in all, I’m learning a ton, even in just two days. With the upside that “I’m not going to learn less.”

The picture above is from the second floor balcony of the school, which is actually in an old Mexican hacienda. Very pretty grounds.

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